CMB float chamber mod

2012-09-15 19:24


This applies to CMB float chambers or any others of similar inner diameter.The goal was to replace the bulky and rather “exotic” film can used as floater with something more delicate and appropriate.The idea emerged in the bathroom when a roll-on deodorant flew to the garbage can.It was recovered,the ball removed (the rest continued it’s trip),measured …and was an exact match.

Next step was to check it’s resistance to high nitro fuel.After a long period submerged in 30% nitro fuel there were no signs of any deformation,softening etc.

This very same ball operates my CMB 21 and 90 float chambers for more than eight years now without a glitch,plus (not quite sure if this is desired) the float chamber holds some more fuel than the original design

Please note that the ball came from a specific deo and that I didn’t try any other,so I can not say that anything “goes” !!!!!

Furthermore the ball should be of almost equal (a bit smaller) diameter to the float chamber’s inner dia. otherwise it will not push the valve needle correctly.

